Tommy enclosed his four engine car trailer because the racecar was out in the weather for the full tour season. Here's he's seen tuning his "artwork" - the four-engined dragster. But he looked so young, people mistook him for the owner's kid, not the owner.



Buick gave him a station wagon to tour with, and here he's taking the rig to Ron Pellegrini so Ron can run it on tour for him. Then Tom McCourry bought it the next year. As a result, TV Tommy Ivo never got to enjoy driving a "FREE" car. Damn...!!!



Then he enclosed the fuel dragster for his own second touring season. It even had a sleeping compartment over the nose of the dragster. Man, was he styling...!!! This was the equivalent of the 18-wheel rigs you see today.



But when he went to England in 1964, they flung the car up 12 stories to put it aboard ship! Tommy expected things to come falling out of it, like a PiƱata. It had been built for load pressure, not upward support.



But the trailer was too big to go down in the hole, so they it strapped up on deck. The captain warned that if he ran into bad weather, it was going over the side - he didn't want to risk having it loose on deck during a storm.



Swaja designed a streamlined dragster for Ivo, so he built a new trailer to accommodate the canopy. And then the car didn't work...!!! The big heavy back hatch became a nightmare to deal with for a conventional racecar.


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